Monday, December 30, 2019

Why Vienna Matters Vienna - 1514 Words

Katie Gowen 10-27-2016 GEO101 Galchutt Why Vienna Matters Vienna, located in northeastern Austria, is a beautiful place and should be considered one of the best vacation spots in the world. The beautiful art museums and music history is what draws a lot of people to visit the Austrian capital. Vienna’s physical geography is also what attracts a large population because of its position between the foothills of the Carpathians and the Alps. When it comes to the political geography, the city is unique because of the history that comes along with the Habsburg family and the Holy Roman Empire. Looking at the human geography, Vienna is the most populated place in Austria even though it is the smallest of the nine states that make up the country. There is a high quality of life, which makes it a desirable place to live. Overall, Vienna has a very distinct geography through the history of the Habsburg family, the topography of the entire country of Austria, and the demographics of the people who populate the city. The history of Vienna truly impacts the geography of the city today. While Austria is not one of the most talked about cities in the world, it does hold a unique past that is recognizable through the Habsburg monarchy. Before the Habsburg family shaped Austria, it was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. The Habsburgs are mostly credited with creating the Austria and the Vienna that is known today. In the book The Austrian Achievement, it is mentioned, â€Å"†¦ the recentShow MoreRelatedWolfgang Amadeus Mozart ( 1756-1791 )1433 Words   |  6 PagesMass in C minor, K427 is arguably his most well known sacred work, as it incorporates virtuosity, a large ensemble, and is also an unfinished work. Therefore, it is important to discuss the life of Mozart, his time spent composing and performing in Vienna and Salzburg, and further examine his Mass in C minor. Wolfgang was one of two surviving children of Leopold and Anna Maria Mozart’s seven pregnancies, being born on January 27th, 1956 in Salzburg, Austria. Leopold was a composer, but early in Wolfgang’sRead MoreViktor Frankl And The Holocaust1517 Words   |  7 PagesViktor Frankl, renowned psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, often quoted Nietzsche saying, â€Å"He who has a ‘why’ to live for can bear almost any ‘how’†. Viktor Frankl, known for his development of logotherapy, a form of therapy that teaches individuals to live a life of meaning, put this saying to use when he experienced unspeakable atrocities during the holocaust. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019


Essays on FINANCIAL NEWS ANALYSIS Essay The article talks about clothing line HM. The retailer has suffered heavily in the current fiscal year owing to several things that went against them. This resulted in declining gross margins by around 2% from the last year. In other work, one reason for having a tough year was the rising manufacturing costs of HM. This was due to the fact that cotton prices throughout the world soared and peaked. This increase in costs result in higher cost of goods sold which lead to declining gross margin for the firm. This could have been avoided if the company had raised its prices, but the company decided against increasing the prices. The company decided to focus on maintaining strong customer relationship and tried to maintain strong market share and hence did not increase its prices which result in them taking a hit on their margins. HM happily took the blow deciding to invest in their future rather than focusing on their short term gains. This policy is quite similar to what other companies are doing these days. The main idea in these days of high uncertainty is to prepare one’s self against losing customer in order to achieve long term gains by associating with the customers and focusing more on the market share rather than on the profitability. Profitability is a short term objective, whereas market share is far sighted thinking. The article also tells us about the fact that almost all the companies in this business are facing tough times due to rising raw material costs. Hence, the current strategy for all the firms should be to survive the storm and try to milk profits when uncertainty is vanished from the environment. Hence, HM is on the right path, a path which would lead them to high profitability in the future. The key strategy in current financial environment is to be patient and do not rush thing and HM have figured out what they are going to do. Although there profits are falling, but market share is increasing which is a positive thing and soon a time will come, when the company will convert its high market share into high profits and that will be the time, when there is certainty in the environment and stability in the cost of doing business. One reason why it is difficult to conduct business in the current environment is because the costs are rising and the companies cannot formulate accurate stra tegies at the moment. But in due course when everything has settled down, HM would take advantage of the situation.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Valentine’s Day Free Essays

With Valentine’s Day approaching, I plan some cheer in the lives of college students. I prepare hundreds of love poems by the famous and the infamous on slips of paper to be tossed in a basket and passed around the classroom. And we share poems in April during National Poetry Month. We will write a custom essay sample on Valentine’s Day or any similar topic only for you Order Now Last December when we read â€Å"A Christmas Memory† by Truman Capote, I noted that not one student in class had ever tasted fruitcake. I made some and brought it in for a taste test (ingredient list on BB to avoid any allergies). My students always know the homework and what is expected, but I like to bring in the unexpected. They know that for me â€Å"education should be fun BUT education is never a joke.† I grew up in dreadful Appalachian poverty, the only one in a large extended family to attend college. My students know the story. If a person works hard, most of life works out and brings rewards. I demand that they work hard. I have been teaching for almost 40 years. I am not shy about calling a student into my office and using the â€Å"metaphorical stick† to say: you are brilliant. Why are you so casual about your studies? I receive emails or letters from students to let me know how life worked out for them. One of the young men whom I had reprimanded in my office for taking his studies too frivolously sent a note that he had just received his PH D and had accepted a position as a Superintendent of Schools in Connecticut. I have served on every committee and volunteer to mentor young faculty. I understand that at my age, they must say: she is still excited to enter the classroom after all these years. What is the secret? I have presented at both national and international conferences. About five years ago I began to question the value of our curriculum in developmental education. That led to much research, a chance meeting with Peter Adams of Community College of Baltimore who became my mentor. I knew that our administration and Trustees would not consider class sizes of eight (Peter’s recommendation and practice) so I devised a triad system. Two classes of ENGL 101 (nine developmental students nestled into the 20 in each section). The two nines join later in the support class of eighteen. We have had phenomenal results in both retention and graduation. When the need arose recently for an Honors program, I stepped up to get that curriculum going. Students stop by my office to chat or to ask that I listen. When a student enters, I place everything aside and am â€Å"in that moment.† I have been voted Faculty of the Year twice by students and was presented with the Lindback Teaching Excellence Award. I look forward to every day with my students and with my colleagues in the community college. How to cite Valentine’s Day, Papers Valentine’s Day Free Essays Valentines† redirects here. For the German/Italian wine grape also known as Valentines, see Valentines (grape). Saint Valentine’s Day Antique Valentine’s card Also calledValentine’s Day Observed byPeople in many countries; Anglican Communion (see calendar), Lutheran Church (see calendar) TypeCultural, Christian, commercial SignificanceFeast day of Saint Valentine; the celebration of Love and affection DateFebruary 14 (in most countries, see text) ObservancesSending greeting cards and gifts, dating Saint Valentine’s Day, often simply Valentine’s Day,[1][2][3] is observed on February 14 each year. We will write a custom essay sample on Valentine’s Day or any similar topic only for you Order Now Today Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, mostly in the West, although it remains a working day in all of them. The original â€Å"St. Valentine† was a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus. Modern romantic connotations were added several centuries later by poets. Several martyrdom stories were invented for the various Valentines that belonged to February 14, and added to later martyrologies. [4] Today, Saint Valentine’s Day is an official feast day in the Anglican Communion,[5] as well as in the Lutheran Church. 6] The day first became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. By the 15th century, it had evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as â€Å"valentines†). [1][3] Moder n Valentine’s Day symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines have given way to mass-produced greeting cards. [7] How to cite Valentine’s Day, Essay examples Valentine’s Day Free Essays Each year in America, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico and Australia billions of people celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day. 85% of Valentine’s day purchases are made by women, 1 billion valentine’s day cards are sent out each year and Valentine’s day is the second largest card sending holiday of the year, the first being Christmas. Today I will share with you the history of Valentine’s Day and the legend of Saint Valentine. We will write a custom essay sample on Valentine’s Day or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are three different stories as to how Valentine’s Day became a holiday, but they all have the same thing in common, which is Saint Valentine. February has always been a month of romance and history. The roots of this holiday are based on the Christian and ancient Roman tradition. The roman-catholic church recognizes at least three different saints, saint valentine and saint valentines are the two most familiar. The first legend says that Saint Valentine was priest who served in the third century in Rome. The emperor at that time was Emperor Claudius, and he believed that the single men made better soldiers in his army, so he banned all marriages for young men at that time. Saint Valentine seeing this as an injustice was still willing to perform marriages in secret for young lovers. When Valentines secret was discovered, the legend says he was sentenced to death. The second legend suggests that Valentine may have been killed for helping Christians escape Roman prisons. Many Christians that were kept in these prisons were kept by a higher being and were tortured to death. The third story tells us that Valentine sent the very first valentine from prison. The legend says that he fell madly in love with the jailer’s daughter where he was in prison and right before he was put to death he wrote her a letter and signed it love your valentine. Now I am going to tell you how and why Valentine’s Day became a tradition and a holiday. By the Middle Ages saint valentine was viewed as a sympathetic, romantic and heroic figure. As a result of this he was considered one of the most popular of all figures in England and France at that time. Valentines death was said to be around two seventy eight A.  D. In effort to Christianise the Pagan holiday celebration of Pieria at the Lempira festival, it is said that the celebration of saint valentine’s burial was moved to the month of February. In ancient Rome February was the official beginning of spring and was considered at that time a time of purification. In France in England during the middle ages February fourteenth was the day that the birds began choosing their mates, also around five hundred A. D Pope Gelasius declared February fourteenth, Valentine’s Day. How to cite Valentine’s Day, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Brett Anderson Essay Example For Students

Brett Anderson Essay English pd. 9Compare/ Contrast11/25/98The Keys to a Great StoryWhat certain qualities are necessary to create an excellent literary work? What makes onework impossible to put down while another work is difficult to stay focused on? There are severalkey elements essential in making good work outstanding. These key elements are: interestingcharacters, an intriguing plot, a valid theme, and a carefully structured conclusion. These are the keyelements of a literary work that I am going to focus on and explicate for you. The characters in Witness for the Prosecution are believable through the authors vividdescriptions and through what Mr. Mayherne says about the characters during his interviews withthem. For example the author described Romaine as a foreign woman with high cheekbones , denseblue-black hair, and a nervous twitch in her hands that is distinctly foreign. The narrator went on tosay she is a strange, quiet woman, who is so quiet that she made visitors feel uneasy. The author isalso very detailed with her description of Mr. Mayherne. The narrator depicts him as a small preciseman, who is neatly dressed and recently had his boots shinned. She also said the most strikingcharacteristic of Mr. Mayherne is his shrewd and piercing gray eyes. From his brief encounter withMrs. Mogson, we found out that she was scared with sulfuric acid by Romaines boyfriend and hasbeen bent on getting revenge on Romaine. Plausible characters and vivid description make this storymore interesting and add to the plot of the story. The author of Wine was very non-discriptive about the characters. This lack of descriptionmakes the characters extremely difficult to relate too. The author never even gives her charactersnames. She just refers to them as a man and a woman. This total lack of detail makes it hard focuson the story and often you find it easy to lose sight of what is happening in the story. The plot for Witness for the Prosecution is clear, logical, and well-defined. The plot mainlyconsists of Mr. Mayherne and Romaine trying to get Mr. Vole aquitted of the charges that he killedEmily French. The most interesting twist of the plot in this story is that Romaine lied to the jury to getMr. Vole aquitted of the charges. By contrast there is no real plot for wine. The man and woman are sitting at a cafe for noapparent reason talking about their first kiss. The man tells the truth to the woman about his first kissand she gets upset with him. I thought this was an interesting point of contrast because in Witnessfor the Prosecution Romaine lied and won the court case for Mr. Vole , but in Wine the man toldthe truth to his wife and was ridiculed by her. The theme of Wine and Witness for the Prosecution almost seem to directly contradicteach other. The theme foe wine is the truth can be painful at times, whereas the theme for Witnessfor the Prosecution is that liars do not always get caught. The theme for Wine was hard tounderstand, because the woman gets upset at the man for no apparent reason when he tells the truth. The theme in Witness for the Prosecution is easily understood because it is clearly spelled out inthe conclusion of the story. The conclusion of Wine is very unclear, poorly developed, and not focused. It leaves a lotof unanswered questions in the readers mind. This completion never tells the reader what happensto the couple or why the woman is mad at her husband. The only thing the reader learns from thisconclusion is that the wine the husband and wife are drinking reminds them of their youth. Thisopaque conclusion only adds to the lack of purpose in the story. .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe , .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .postImageUrl , .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe , .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe:hover , .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe:visited , .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe:active { border:0!important; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe:active , .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Alfred Stieglitz EssayThe conclusion of Witness for the Prosecution is very focused, well developed and it tiesup all the lose ends of the story. The completion of this story reveals that Romaine is disguised asMrs. Mogson and it was Romaines false testimony that got her husband aquitted of his murdercharges. The conclusion of the story tells the reader everything that Mr. Mayherne knew and drawsan excellent ending to a great mystery. After carefully contrasting the key elements in Wine and Witness for the Prosecution ithas become apparent that Witness for the Prosecution contains the qualities necessary of a greatliterary work. Wine is lacking too many of the key elements essential in making a good literarywork. The differences between the two the two stories makes Wine difficult to stay focused onbecause it is lacking in many of these key areas. While having many of these key elements welldeveloped throughout the story makes Witness for the Prosecution, one of those stories that aretruly a pleasure to read.

Friday, November 29, 2019

An Overview of American Symbolism essays

An Overview of American Symbolism essays A symbol is something that stands for or suggests something else because of relationship, association, convention, or accidental resemblance. (Merriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary 1194). These emblematic masterpieces have been both created and destroyed by war. These wars have resulted in creating these numerous symbols of freedom. As America has evolved over time, the American flag, Star-Spangled Banner, Statue of Liberty, Bill of Rights, Constitution, and Liberty Bell has become the core of American symbols. The American flag was first designed by Francis Hopkinson and sewn by Betsy Ross, a seamstress of Philadelphia. The flag consisted of thirteen stripes and stars representing the thirteen colonies. The thirteen stars of the American flag were arranged in a circle to signify the unity and equality of the colonies. The red on the American flag is in representation of bravery, the blue is justice, and the white is liberty making this signify what our country will always stand for (Ryan 29-30). The flag epitomizes the rights, liberty, and democracy of the United States (The Pledge of Allegiance 11). The flag was first flown over schools in Colrain, Massachusetts, as early as 1812. Today, the flag was then the inspiration to the creation of the Star-Spangled Banner. The flag is flown in national and state parks, public buildings, sporting events, and ports of entry (The Pledge of Allegiance 7-9). When the flag is flow upside down, the sign of distress is known. Explorers place a flag where they land to show that someone from their country has been there. For example, on every Apollo mission to the moon the flag was placed at the landing site representing America. The flag is placed at half-staff when the need to honor someones death is arises (Ryan 2-5). Flags are on pins, shirts, parades, and homes for the symbolism of the patriotism of the United States (The Pledge of Allegiance 12)....

Monday, November 25, 2019

Edgar Alan Poe essays

Edgar Alan Poe essays Edgar Allan Poe was a great writer who was born in Boston, January 19, 1809. He died on October 7, 1849. He was a writer known for his poems and short stories. He was the son of David Poe Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins. Both of Poe's parents were members of the Boston Theatre. His father had served as Deputy Quartermaster General of Baltimore during the Revolution. Edgar Poe's parents separated, and upon the death of his mother Elizabeth in 1811 in Richmond, he was taken in by Mr. John Allan and Mrs. Frances Allan, and was known as Edgar Allan. Edgar Allan Poe studied in England for five years. In 1826 he entered the University of Virginia , but was forced to leave due to debt. He moved to Boston, where he published his first collection of poetry Tamerlane and Other Poems. He then served in the Army through 1827-1829. after that he published his second collection of poetry Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems. He entered West Point in 1830, when he published his third collection of poetry Poems. In 1833 Poe won a short-story contest offered by the Baltimore Saturday Visiter with a story called "The Manuscript Found in a Bottle", which led to a short-lived position as editor of the Southern Literary Mesenger in 1835. Throughout Edgars Allan Poe career many things about his life had an influence on his writing. Poe was a person who had many troubling experiences throughout his life. It seemed that all the women he loved ended up dying, and they all died from the same disease: Tuberculosis. To add to his hard luck, he was poor, didnt have a stable job, and was a alcoholic. To escape from his troubled world, Poe drank and wrote short stories or poems with a gloomy attitude. Many people considered him a pessimist or someone who looks at the bad side of things instead of the good side. He brought out his dark side in his work. An example of his lifestyles influencing his work is in the poem Annabel ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Globalisation leads to the homogenisation of culture. Discuss Essay

Globalisation leads to the homogenisation of culture. Discuss - Essay Example Globalization has brought many hopes to such countries as they can utilize the expertise and technology of developed countries for the mobilization of their idle resources. Another important aspect of globalization is the cultural homogenization. The exchange of labour force across the boarders is a common thing at present because of globalization. Outsourcing and offshoring of business are common things at present which need the interaction of multicultural workforce. In short globalization has forced the world to develop towards a common culture. This paper briefly analyses the homogenization of culture as a result of globalization. Berry, (2008) has defined Globalization as the multiplicity of linkages and interconnections between nations (Berry, 2008, p.329). Kalantzis & Cope (2006) have referred globalization as the enemy of diversity (Kalantzis & Cope, 2006, p.402). Peng, (2009) has argued that Globalization brings closer integration of the countries and the people of the world by acting like the swings of a pendulum (Peng, 2009, p.19). Globalization has been defined in many ways by different people. It is the sum of all the definitions given above. The essence of Globalization is the unification of global culture for the collective growth. The major enemy for economic growth in many countries is the conflicts between countries. For example, the conflicts like India-Pakistan, Israel - Palestinians, US-Afghanistan etc are causing immense damage to the economic development prospects of these countries. Many people argue that the current financial crisis in America was the child of different wars America engag ed in different countries. Pakistan also is a victim of underdevelopment because of the increasing conflicts even inside the country. In short, conflicts and wars can retard the economic progress of a country. On the other hand,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Can Kuwait save the GCC Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Can Kuwait save the GCC - Assignment Example The states that make up the GCC feel that Qatar is not honoring its part of the agreement in relation to regional security. In response to this, Bahrain, the UAF and Saudi Arabia have opted to withdraw their ambassadors from the country (2). The GCC member states are calling on Qatar to honor the November 2013 accord that calls for severing ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, greatly restrict the movement of Iranian operatives within the zone, and stop all privileges enjoyed by Sheikh Yusef al-Qaradawi, an Egyptian Scholar, to make public broadcasts (2). In this respect, the GCC member states are requesting Qatar to disallow Sheikh Yusef from making broadcasts, severe ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, and stop facilitating the movement of those considered to be Iranian operatives within the GCC zone. While the GCC countries feel that Qatar is interfering in the zone’s security matters that are enshrined in their accord and uniting agreements, Qatar feels that the move to withdraw ambassadors by other GCC states from Doha has no relation to do with the stability, security and interests of nationals of the GCC (3). Instead it was linked to a difference opinions regarding issues that are external to the GCC (3). By allowing Iranian operatives into the GCC zone, the U.S. and its affiliates will find cause to severe ties with GCC member states on the premise that they are supporting Iran’s aggressive activities and stance toward developing nuclear weapons.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Irving Roth - Holocaust Survivor Testimony Movie Review

Irving Roth - Holocaust Survivor Testimony - Movie Review Example Businesses that were previously run by the Jews were confiscated and given to Germans. Their household properties (which they had been ordered to leave behind) were auctioned to the German citizens. The Jews basically become non-existence and they were treated worse than slaves. With their lives becoming almost worthless, the government of Germany saw no use for them and therefore built death camps to dispose them off through death. Some were transported to Poland where there were also additional death camps. Some escaped to Hungary (which was not killing the Jews) where the men were recruited in the army (where they are mistreated by the rest of the population and even discriminated against but the rest of the population remained safe). Their safety was however short lived as they started being treated in the same way as those who were shipped to Poland as a way to dispose them as well through burning them in gas chambers. I thought slavery in America was a bad experience but what the Jews went through is incomparable. Segregation denies people freedom of liberty but the treatment the Jews were accorded denied them not only freedom of liberty and movement but also right to life among other human rights. It is a wonder how all these happened without the rest of the world reacting. The questions remains as to whether they had no idea of what was happening? Whether they simply did not care? Had no ability or capacity or even mandate to do anything about it? or were they simply in agreement of the Jews being killed? For those who survived the holocaust like the orator, the experience (though it took place many decades ago) is still vivid as if it just happened. It is evident that the psychological torture for the survivors cannot be wiped away even though the talk therapy seems helpful. As Roth talks about his family being killed in the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Impact of Social Determinants on Health

Impact of Social Determinants on Health Song et al (2011) studied the influence of social determinants of health on disease rates. They specified AIDS as the disease of concern and utilized data from American Community Survey. They used correlation and partial correlation coefficients quantify the effect of socioeconomic determinants on AIDS diagnosis rates in certain areas and found that the AIDS diagnosis rate was mutually related with kind, marital status and population density. Poverty, education level and unemployment also determine the cause of disease in an individual. In developed and developing countries socioeconomic status proved to be an important cause of cardiovascular disease. Survey studies showed that education was the most important socioeconomic determinant in relation to cardiovascular risk factor. Smoking was also a major cause of cardiovascular disease. Low socioeconomic status had a direct relationship with higher levels of cardiovascular risk factors (Yu et al, 2000; Reddy et al, 2002; Jeemon Reddy, 2010; Thurston et al, 2005; Janati et al, 2011 and Lang et al, 2012). Lantz et al (1998) investigated the impact of education, income and health behaviors on the risk of dying within the next 7.5 years with longitudinal survey study. The results of cross tabulation showed that the mortality rate has a strong association with education and income. Habib et al (2012) conducted a questionnaire based survey to measure the social, economic, demographic and geographic influence on the disease of bronchial asthma in Kashmir valley. After analysis in SPSS they concluded that non smokers, males working in farms and females working with animals have a high incidence of Bronchial Asthma. The study also showed a significant relationship between the age and disease. Arif and Naheed (2012) used â€Å"The Pakistan Social and Living Standard Measurement Survey 2004-05† conducted by the Federal Bureau of Statistics to determine the socioeconomic, demographic, environmental and geographical factors of diarrhea morbidity among the sampled children. Their study found a relationship between diarrhea morbidity and economic factors particularly ownership of land, livestock and housing conditions. Child’s gender and age, total number of children born, mother’s age and education and sources of drinking water did show significant effect on the diarrhea morbidity among children. Aranha et al (2011) conducted a survey in Brazil’s district Sà £o Paulo, to determine the association between children’s respiratory diseases reported by parents, attendance at school, parents’ educational level, family income and socioeconomic status. By applying chi square test they concluded that the health of children is associated with parents’ higher education, particularly mothers. Family income, analyzed according to per capita income did not affect the number of reports of respiratory diseases from parents. Deolalikar and Laxminarayan (2000) used data from 1997 Cambodia Socioeconomic Survey to estimate the influence of socioeconomic variables on the extent of disease transmission within villages in Cambodia. They concluded that infectious diseases were the leading cause of morbidity in the country. Younger adults were less likely to get infected by others, but it increased with age. Income and the availability of a doctor had a significant effect on disease transmission. Survey studies based on different countries showed a strong association between socioeconomic factors (income, education and occupational position) and obesity. After analysis there was a significant effect of consumption of low quality food due to economic factors on increased obesity. For men, both the highest level of occupational position and general education completed were found to have a significant effect on obesity while women in the lowest income group were three times as likely to be obese as women in the highest income group (Kuntz and Lampert, 2010; Akil and Ahmad, 2011 and Larsen et al, 2003). Yin et al (2011) used data from the 2007 China Chronic Disease Risk Factor Surveillance of 49,363 Chinese men and women aged 15-69 years to examine the association between the prevalence of self-reported physician diagnosed Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and socioeconomic status defined by both educational level and annual household income. Multivariable logistic regression modeling was performed. Among nonsmokers, low educational level and household income were associated with a significant higher prevalence of COPD. Siponen et al (2011) tried to study the relationship between the health of Finnish children under 12 years of age and parental socioeconomic factors (educational level, household income and working status) by conducting population based survey. The analysis was done by using Pearson’s Chi-Square tests, and logistic regression analysis with 95% confidence intervals. The results showed that parental socioeconomic factors were not associated with the health of children aged under 12 years in Finland. Washington State Department of Health (2007) examined Washington adults and inferred that adults with lower incomes or less education were more likely to smoke, obessed, or ate fewer fruits and vegetables than adults with the broader culture, higher incomes and more education. In cultures where smoking was culturally unacceptable for women, women died less often from smoking-related diseases than women in groups where smoking was socially accepted. Lack of access to or inadequate use of medical services, contributed to relatively poorer health among people. In lower socioeconomic position groups health care received by the poor was inferior in quality. People of higher socioeconomic position had larger networks of social support. Low levels of social capital had been associated with higher mortality rates. People who experienced racism were more likely to have poor mental health and unhealthy lifestyles. Hosseinpoor et al (2012) took self-reported data, stratified by sex and low or middle income, from 232,056 adult participants in 48 countries, derived from the 2002–2004 World Health Survey. A Poisson regression model with a robust variance and cross tabulations were used deducing the following results. Men reported higher prevalence than women for current daily smoking and heavy episodic alcohol drinking, and women had higher growth of physical inactivity. In both sexes, low fruit and vegetable consumption were significantly higher. Braveman (2011) concluded that there was a strong relationship between income, education and health. Health was improved if income or education increased. Stressful events and circumstances followed a socioeconomic incline, decreased as income increased. Lee (1997) examined the effects of age, nativity, population size of place of residence, occupation, and household wealth on the disease and mortality experiences of Union army recruits while in service using Logistic regression. The patterns of mortality among recruits were different from the pattern of mortality among civilian populations. Wealth had a significant effect only for diseases on which nutritional influence was definite. Migration spread communicable diseases and exposed newcomers to different disease environments, which increased morbidity and mortality rate. Ghias et al (2012) studied the patients having HCV positive living in province of Punjab, Pakistan. Socio-demographic factors and risk factors were sought out using questionnaire. Logistic regression and artificial neural network methods were applied and found that patient’s education, patient’s liver disease history, family history of hepatitis C, migration, family size, history of blood transfusion, injection’s history, endoscopy, general surgery, dental surgery, tattooing and minor surgery by barber were 12 main risk factors that had significant influence on HCV infection. REFERENCES Song, R. et al (2011) â€Å"Identifying The Impact Of Social Determinants Of Health On Disease Rates Using Correlation Analysis Of Area-Based Summary Information† Public Health Reports Supplement 3, Volume 126, 70-80. Yu, Z. et al (2000) â€Å"Associations Between Socioeconomic Status And Cardiovascular Risk Factors In An Urban Population In China† Bulletin of the World Health Organization Volume 78, No. 11, 1296-1305. Reddy, K. et al (2002) † Socioeconomic Status And The Prevalence Of Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors† Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr Volume 11, No. 2, 98–103. Jeemon, P. Reddy, K. (2010) †Social Determinants Of Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes In Indians† Indian J Med Res Volume 132, 617-622. Thurston, R. et al (2005) â€Å"Is The Association Between Socioeconomic Position And Coronary Heart Disease Stronger In Women Than In Men?† American Journal of Epidemiology Volume 162, No. 1, 57-65. Janati, A. et al (2011) â€Å"Socioeconomic Status and Coronary Heart Disease† Health Promotion Perspectives Volume 1, No. 2, 105-110. Lang, T. et al (2012) â€Å"Social Determinants Of Cardiovascular Diseases† Public Health Reviews Volume 33, No. 2, 601-622. Lantz, P. et al (1998) â€Å"Socioeconomic Factors, Health Behaviors, and Mortality† JAMA Volume 279, No. 21, 1703-1708. Habib, A. et al (2012) â€Å"Socioeconomic, Demographic and Geographic Influence on Disease Activity of Bronchial Asthma in Kashmir Valley† IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (JDMS) ISSN: 2279-0853, ISBN: 2279-0861, Volume 2, No. 6, 04-07. Arif, A. and Naheed, R. (2012) â€Å"Socio-Economic Determinants Of Diarrhoea Morbidity In Pakistan† Academic Research International ISSN-L: 2223-9553, ISSN: 2223-9944 ISSN-L: 2223-9553, ISSN: 2223-9944, Volume 2, No. 1, 490-518. Aranha, M. et al (2011) â€Å"Relationship Between Respiratory Tract Diseases Declared By Parents And Socioeconomic And Cultural Factors† Rev Paul Pediatr Volume 29, No. 3, 352-356. Deolalikar , A. and Laxminarayan, R. (2000) â€Å"Socioeconomic Determinants of Disease Transmission in Cambodia† Resources for the Future Discussion Paper, 00–32. Kuntz, B. and Lampert, T. (2010) â€Å"Socioeconomic Factors and Obesity† Deutsches Ärzteblatt International Volume 107, No. 30, 517-22. Akil, L. and ; Ahmad, H. (2011) â€Å"Effects Of Socioeconomic Factors On Obesity Rates In Four Southern States And Colorado† Ethnicity Disease Volume 21, 58-62. Larsen, P. et al (2003) â€Å"The Relationship of Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Factors, and Overweight in U.S.Adolescents†OBESITY RESEARCH Volume 11, No.1, 121-129. Yin, P. et al (2011) â€Å"Prevalence Of COPD And Its Association With Socioeconomic Status In China: Findings From China Chronic Disease Risk Factor Surveillance 2007† BMC Public Health Volume 11, 586-593. Siponen, M. et al (2011) â€Å"Children’s Health And Parental Socioeconomic Factors: A Population-Based Survey In Finland† BMC Public Health Volume 11, 457-464. Washington State Department of Health (2007) â€Å"Social and Economic Determinants of Health† The Health of Washington State Volume 1, No. 3, 01-07. Hosseinpoor, A. et al (2012) â€Å"Socioeconomic inequalities in risk factors for noncommunicable diseases in low-income and middle income countries: results from the World Health Survey† BMC Public Health Volume 12, 912-924. Braveman, P. (2011) â€Å"Accumulating Knowledge on the Social Determinants of Health and Infectious Disease† Public Health Reports Supplement 3, Volume 126, 28-30. Lee, C. (1997) â€Å"Socioeconomic Background, Disease, and Mortality among Union Army Recruits: Implications for Economic and Demographic History† Explorations in Economic History Volume 34, 27-55. Ghias, M. et al (2012) â€Å"Statistical Modelling and Analysis of Risk Factors for Hepatitis C Infection in Punjab, Pakistan† World Applied Sciences Journal Volume 20, No. 2, 241-252.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Analysis of Richard Adams Watership Down :: essays research papers

Briefly tell us what this book is about (without giving away the ending, of course!). This book is about black people and white people. The black people are crosses and rule over the white noughts or 'blankers'. Callum, a nought grows up with Sephy, whose father is the leader of a strong political party. Their 2 families hate each other, and Sephy and Callum begin to fall in love- dangerous, considering one is a nought and one is a cross. How does the title relate to the storyline? Noughts and crosses are the two classes of people, noughts are white people and crosses are black people Is there something interesting that the author does to present the story? Malorie Blackman cleverly writes it like a diary, but sometimes Sephy is speaking and sometimes Callum is speaking. If you could rewrite the story, what would you change to make it better? I couldn't make it better! Why would you recommend (or not recommend) this book to a friend? Its different, clever, quirky, makes me feel like crying! Its really amazing, and I would definately recommend it to any teenager. Why did you choose to read this particular book? My friend recommended it to me- I wasn't too impressed by what she said about it, but when I read it I was like wow! I read it really really quickly, and I couldn't wait for the sequel Knife Edge to come out! Complete this sentence: When I finished reading the last page of this book, I felt... Excited, I can't wait to read the sequel. What type of reader do you think this book is appropriate for? I think any teenager would love this book- if you don't like it you're wierd!! The ending is really really sad, and you expect some miraculous esape, but it doesn't happen! I don't think this book is suitable for anybody under 11. The length doens't matter because you don't do anything else except read it! When you've read this book- make sure you read the sequel Knife Edge, and then the climax of the triolgy Checkmate. Give at least one example of a memorable quote, moment, or theme from the book.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Examining the Saytam scandal

1.1 JustificationI chose this dirt because it was a recent and a really large one. It is besides really international as it is an outsourcing house, the effects of the dirt affected many other states. Many people lost their investings and India has lost the other states ‘ trust deeply. It is really suited to explicate with assorted ethical elements.1.2 What is the Scandal about, who are the histrions in it?On 7 January 2009 by the confess of B. Ramalinga Raju, who is the laminitis and besides the president of the Satyam Computer, the universe has learnt and shocked about the fradulent fiscal activities that the Satyam interfered. Ramalinga Raju founded Satyam in 1987 with merely 20 employees which was India ‘s 4th largest outsourcing company with $ 1 billion one-year grosss Satyam Computer Services Ltd was incorporated in 1989 and it went public in 1992. With each go throughing twelvemonth, Satyam strengthened its place and extended its operations to assorted locations. . However when it is discovered the cheatings of Satyam, inquiries arose about how Satyam came to this place. For replying these inquiries we must travel back to the ninetiess. The 2nd half of the 1990s was the liberalisation period in which the importance of the corporations increased extremely in India. Increased competition forced corporations to seek unethical ways to drive their concerns. As coming into being subsequently, Ramalinga Raju besides engaged in such actions to demo its company ‘s public presentation better off. In 2008, although the board of managers hesitated, Satyam acquired Maytas Infrastructure and Maytas Properties that were founded by the laminitis Ramalinga Raju ‘s household for $ 1.6 billion. These both companies belonged to Raju ‘s boies and in the terminal the authorities had to reexamine the trade and the frailty president of India criticized it. When the authorities and the clients of the Satyam became leery about this behavior of Satyam and the investors panically and all of a sudden sold a immense sum of the stocks, Satyam called of its determination. Satyam investors lost 3,400 Indian Rupee in the related terror merchandising. The acquisition created a incredulity in New York Stock Exchange and the Satyam portions fell 55 % . Because of that, the board of managers had to vacate at the terminal of the twelvemonth Then on 29th December, 3 members of board of managers quit their occupations, it is the twenty-four hours when board of managers announced that they will purchase back for deriving the trust of their investors once more. However the things kept traveling worse off. On December 23, The World Bank announced that it banned the Satyam from making concern with it due to data larceny and graft. Market guesss about that the Satyam making fraud counterfeit and breach of contract increased tremendously. It is when the value of the booster interest of Satyam decreased to 5 % , which is an index that the Satyam was stranded, On 7 January 2009, company Chairman Ramalinga Raju resigned after advising board members and the Securities and Exchange Board of India ( SEBI ) that Satyam ‘s histories had been falsified ( Arakali,2009 ) .Raju confessed that Satyam ‘s balance sheet of 30 September 2008 contained: hyperbolic figures for hard currency and bank balances, an accumulated involvemen t of Rs. 376 crore which was non-existent, an unostentatious liability of Rs. 1,230 crore and an exaggerated debitors ‘ place of Rs. 490 crore ( as against Rs. 2,651 crore in the books ) .After probes are deepened, it was found that he had picked the lesser of two offenses when he decided to squeal the offense and he siphoned off financess by blow uping employee Numberss, made many â€Å" benami † land trades, opened â€Å" benami † bank histories, through relations and friends and used them to merchandise in Satyam ‘s portions ( Aneja,2009 ) . Benami history means that when you purchase something in the name of person else by using your ain financess, you use that individual as a name-lender and this is called a ‘ benami dealing ‘ and this is illegal, it can be made legal by reassigning the land in your name but this will affect stomp responsibility and enrollment charges. As a consequence, merely a little use in the company ‘s balance sheet consequence in difference of INR 71,36 one million millions between the existent operating net income As Mr. Raju besides stated in his missive, this difference continued to turn in many old ages and there had been taken many actions to make full this spread and the attemp to purchase Maytas was the last attemp to cover the fictitous assets with existent 1s. He besides claimed that neither he nor the pull offing managers benefited financially from the hyperbolic grosss and none of the board members had any cognition of the state of affairs in which the company was placed. It is really hard to change over everything back to an ethical and right manner after a point and Satyam had already passed this point which means it was inevitable for Satyam to be revelation. After the confession, the board of managers was banned from working and 10 nominal managers are appointed. Ramalinga Raju had arrested on charges of breach of trust, disproof of records, cheating, counterfeit and go againsting insider trading norm. A figure of employees including a top executive and CFO who laid the basis for the fraud and involved in the distorting the bank statements. The CFO of Satyam besides arrested. PWC as being the audit house of Satyam had lost assurance by its clients and 2 of its top functionaries were arrested. This dirt called by the media as Indian ‘s Enron and it has brought into inquiry the degrees of corporate administration in the state after this dirt. Satyam ‘s portions decreased by % 75 and it caused the Indian ‘s stock market to fall by % 7.[ 1 ] Rajiv Gupta, one of the investors of Satyam, told in an interview with BBC that he found the state of affairss occurred after the dirt really distressing and the clip is the worst possible clip to go on while the markets were merely started to look like they were retrieving.[ 2 ] However, it is non the market merely affected from this dirt ; investors, employees, providers, clients all injured from the incorrect making. It is obvious that there are some people who violated some moral issues and act unethically. Now I will seek to integrate moralss into existent life instance and evaluate in the visible radiations of different ethical rules to be able to do judgement whether it is in conformity with or in misdemeanor of moral criterions.1.3 Who has the moral duty? Who are to fault?The term moral duty sometimes means to fault a individual for something. A individual is morally responsible for the hurts or a incorrect if: caused or helped to do it, or failed to forestall it when he could hold and should hold, did so cognizing what he was making did so of his ain free will. In modern corporations duty is distributed among a figure of collaborating parties. The parties produce the corporate act together. The system arises a inquiry about who is responsible for jointly produced act. The traditional position is who is wittingly and freely lend the corporate act is responsible for the incorrect. In Satyam instance fraud and misrepresentation at Satyam Computer Services in India consist of several i mmoral Acts of the Apostless. Double accounting books, 1000s of bad bills, 1000s of unneeded employees and tonss of bogus bank statements, harmonizing to tribunal records ( Diaz,2009 ) . So a figure of fraud Acts of the Apostless was seen. Harmonizing to corporate duty theory who is responsible for? Whole company employees, employees, directors, board of managers, stockholders even hearers? In immoral Acts of the Apostless an person merely be responsible for an fraud if the individual is wittingly and freely do the unlawful act or non to take part the act but cognizant of it so non the brand an action to Under these conditions, we have to see both Mr. Raju, the audit house PricewaterhouseCoopers and board of managers and happen out if they were morally responsible for the fraud or non. Mr. Raju ; we can evidently see that he caused the fraud, since he wrote a confession missive to the imperativeness and told all the fraud. Furthermore we know that Mr. Raju acted of his ain free will by moving intentionally and purposefully and his actions were non the consequence of some unmanageable mental urge or external force. PwC ; the audit house claimed that they did non cognize about the fraud and the company gave them the incorrect fiscal statements, so they did non acknowledge the fraud. Hearers are responsible to analyze the fiscal statements of the company. Satyam committed an erroneous entering assets which did no exist. PwC is the audit company and should hold recognized the fraud so PwC failed to forestall it when it could hold prevented due to their profession ( Pettet,2009 ) . Through their profession, the audit house is in a place to observe any incompatibility or fraud in the statements. The house could hold raised inquiries about the immense non-existing money. They should hold paid necessary professional attending to their work ( Sekhar,2009 ) This demand is an duty for the hearers. In Satyam the hearers who are S. Gopala Krishnan and Srinivas Talluri, who have been suspended from PricewaterhouseCoopers instances the hearers are besides confronting charges ( Diaz,2009 ) Board of Directors ; when we think about the responsibilities of the board such as regulating the organisation, one-year budgets and oversee the activities of the company, it is clearly seen that the board did non make its responsibilities. They likely did non analyze the operations of the company carefully and did non cognize what was go oning in the company. Therefore, we can state that the board failed to forestall it when it could hold and should hold prevented it.In Satyam instances harmonizing to Ram Mynampati he and other board of directos had no cognition of the fiscal fraud. So they are non responsible for the immoral act because they have no cognition so ignorance of the act ( Vaswani,2009 ) One can state that PwC and the Board are nescient about the issue, nevertheless, they might be intentionally nescient, and if they recognize that something was traveling incorrect and did non state anything. For illustration Mr. Raju wanted to purchase the Maytas Infrastructure Company ‘s portions and the board knows that their concern has no relationship with substructure but they did non seek about the grounds why Mr.Raju wants to purchase the portions. The other exclusion of ignorance is being negligent. Both PwC and the Board failed to take necessary actions and they may pretermit the discernible hints of the fraud, it is non an alibi but it may cut down their duty.Section 2 Philosophers oppugning the Scandal combined with ethical rules in Business2.1 Kohlberg ‘s Moral DevelopmentRamalinga Raju can be the victim of his ego involvements. He may believe that its effects would be profitable and positive to his ego involvements. He may gain more money if he did non squeal the fraud and resign. Even if inflating figures and demoing a non-existent accumulated involvement are non ethical, but these actions would ensue in net income to him, hence, he sacrifice from being ethical. So, we can state that Mr. Raju is at the first degree â€Å" preconventional phases † and at â€Å" Instrumental and Relative Orientation Stage † .[ 3 ]2.2 Ethical Principles In Business2.2.1 Utilitarianism:Harmonizing to Utilitarian attack, it is indispensable to see both the immediate and foreseeable hereafter costs and benefits that each option will bring forth for each and every person. The costs of the dirt are terrible. For illustration, 6 million guiltless stockholders some of them have lost their full life nest eggs because Satyam lost its value by 78 % ( Vaswani, 2009 ) . Employees suffered from the falsified histories and lose their occupation in long term. He besides diverted big amounts of money belong to stockholders by feigning to do salary payments to non-existent employee s mean that lessening the grosss of stockholders. Harmonizing to utilitarians, there is nil unethical to distort the informations in the records. Utilitarians think that the actions which produce the greatest benefit and the lowest cost for the society. Before the revelation of the fraud, the investors were puting their money into Satyam and so the company could go on to run. If the company had showed the existent state of affairs to the society, no investors would take Satyam that the company would likely hold had to be near down. In short all of its 53000 employees would go out of employ which is a large cost to the society. So there is a benefit of protecting to occupations of employees and moreover Mr. Raju and some other managers besides might be benefited from the fraud and there were no one acquiring hurting before the revelation. So harmonizing to useful attack, it is right to rip off on study in this state of affairs. However there are jobs with rights and justness, because this behavior is n't a right moral regulation, it is non right to rip off on report.The legal system of India, petmits disproof of informations which means Mr. Raju and other people played function in fraud do non hold a legal right to make that. However is it besides incorrect harmonizing to moral rights? Moral rights are correlated with responsibilities. When a individual ha ve a moral right, the other have a responsibility non to interfere him or to supply him his right. Here in the instance, investors have right to cognize the existent place of the company which they are puting. However by rip offing on records is violated their rights. Satyam dirt has damaged the remainder of the Indian tech services industry because foreign companies were discouraged for outsourcing owing to the dirt. It is obvious that many U.S. and European clients including General Electric, General Motor, Nestle, and besides United States Government will rethink their trust on non merely the company but besides Indian outsourcing and the credibleness in western clients will endure in the long tally ( Gorkey, 2009 ) . As a effect of the instance, the full corporate administration system in India has been unfaithful for most companies. On the other manus, dirt created an chance for India ‘s challengers in the outsourcing game and smaller IT companies in foreign states can get down concern with Satyam ‘s clients. However some clients are encouraged to maintain occupations at place state in order to avoid any hazards of fraud. It can fresh place market of the clients who may prefer to make concern in their ain sector which will derive more net income itself. There are some Raju ‘s parts to society that can be calculated on benefits side like constructing an exigency health care supplier called EMRI and puting up an exigency medical service ( EMS ) . At the terminal of cost-benefit analysis, net public-service corporation that produced by the dirt is negative intending more costs over benefits so it is non a right action.2.2.2 Kantian RightsRamalinga Raju in his missive noted that, Satyam had really made 3 % border, nevertheless many economic experts and bookmans find it laughably low in IT industry ( Shirsat, 2009 ) .This claim supports the claim that Raju pick the lesser of two offenses when he decided to squeal the offense. Besides he inflated the head count of employees to syphon off financess from company ( Vaswani, 2009 ) .Therefore we can reason that more money was coming into company but it was being siphoned out. He used his aged female parent ‘s name to do about 400 â€Å" benami † land trades, invest in other concerns such as existent estate with the many. First of wholly, he diverted big amounts of money belong to stockholders by feigning to do salary payments to non-existent employees. The state of affairs can non go through both the universalizability and reversibility standards of Kantian rights. ( Velasquez,2006 ) He besides violated the 2nd preparation of Kant because he used these non-existent employees and his aged female parent as a agency for his ain will and profaned human self-respect norm. Besides misdemeanor of the belongings rights of stockholders by utilizing belongings belongs to company without permission can be seen as an unethical pattern. Corporate jurisprudence practicians said Raju violated officers ‘ right to cognize by abetting them to perpetrate fiscal fraud. Another issue is Raju is known for his philanthropic gift and committedness to assisting India ‘s rural hapless. He reportedly donated more than $ 50 million of his ain money to make the plan. With the wealth generated by money of others doing such a committedness to society is unethical. This violates the stockholders ‘ right to take because they have a right to take how to utilize their ain money for assisting hapless or non. Furthermore harmonizing to Kant ‘s first preparation, â€Å" the individual ‘s grounds for moving must be grounds that he or she would be willing to hold all others use, even as a footing o how they treat him or her. † Mr. Raju likely would n't desire to put in a company that looks being in a good state of affairs but is really in a bad state of affairs. So besides harmonizing to Kant ‘s Categorical Imperative it is non right. Satyam dirt involves inquiries of justness and equity. From the â€Å" Distributive Justice † point of position which is the justness class based on the thought that benefits and loads should be distributed every bit, instance involves many unfair patterns. Here Ramalinga Raju and his household diverted money from Satyam to their ain will. Besides with the transportation of portions to the household members, they gave immense loss to the little investors. All benefits went to the Ramalinga Raju and his household. Employees, investors and creditors who had nil to make with the fraud all suffer awful effects and bear all loads. Besides IT industry in India has spent 20 old ages constructing up credibleness with Western clients, but this dirt is foreseen to do many U.S. and European clients rethink their trust on Indian outsourcing. From the retaliatory justness position, Mr. , Raju can be blamed and punished for making incorrect wittingly and in his ain free will. What is upseting is that for over seven old ages the man of affairs who consistently committed fraud was supported by politicians in power in the Andhra Pradesh Government. His association with the top leaders meant that Raju got immense balls of premier land at throw-away monetary values for Technology Park and other intents and many other installations which enabled Satyam to spread out and turn quickly ( Balachandran, 2009 ) . Banks and fiscal establishments allowed Raju to open 1000s of histories without oppugning. They provided statements about the company ‘s finance as Raju requested. Raju was allowed inside cognition of authorities policies, development programs and undertakings even before the blue-prints were prepared. This enabled him and his pool, Maytas Infra, to offer for undertakings on favourable footings. The whole authorities system was harnessed to stand in function Raju ‘s involvements. Harmonizing to Rawls ‘ just equality of chance rule, everyone should be given an equal chance to measure up for the more privileged places. It can be seen that Raju had greater chances than other people and got discriminatory intervention by Bankss, establishments and authorities. The dirt ends with heavy load on society and causes inefficiency in the system so is deemed to go against the difference rule which is the claim that a productive society will integrate inequalities. The difference rule implies that it is incorrect to victimize stockholders and investors because action creates inefficiency.2.2.3 Virtue Ethical motives:Raju has an MBA Ohio University and is an alumna of Harvard Business School, in other words he is a knowing individual. Harmonizing to the Corruption Perception Index 20 04 ( CPI ) which ranks the states in their order of corruptness, out of the 146 states listed, India where he grew ranks a hapless 91. In Satyam instance, Raju ‘s incorrect act might be related to the undermentioned three state of affairss: foremost, it might be related to his single sense of values, so wholly he has done come from his personal moral values. Second, it might come from is the value cherished by society where he turn. Harmonizing to the thought, Raju might be affected by the Indian society and civilization. Finally, the system of administration might hold an influence on Raju ‘s behaviours. I would personally hold with this point, each civilization and state has different tolerances and different ways to carry through concern. In India it might hold been easier to make it, than in any other state or the life conditions and society values may promote him to make such a thing.2.3 The Persons in The Organization2.3.1 Conflict of InterestThe policies and processs under codification of struggle of involvement requires that the managers and associates of the company shall avoid any activity or association that creates or appears to make a struggle between the personal involvements of the managers and associates and the company ‘s concern involvements. In the instance of Satyam, the hearers of Satyam might hold faced with struggles of involvement while attesting the fiscal record of Satyam. They have softened their criterion while scrutinizing the company fiscal statement. It is clear that the trueness or duty to the client, here it is Satyam, is divided or in struggle with opportunism of Hearers and the involvement of Satyam ‘s direction. In add-on, the company corporate administration does non demo any struggle of involvement between direction and proprietors, the job was caused by the struggle of involvement between the dominant stockholders ( boosters ) and the minority stockholders. The boosters that involve Mr. Raju, together with their friends and relations were the dominant stockholders. The company proposed to put $ 1.6 billion to purchase existent estate and substructure houses, Maytas Properties and Maytas Infrastructure, run by the boies of its founder-chairman Raju. Investors and analysts questioned the move by the Hyderabad-based package exporters to pay such a immense amount to get companies linked to Raju and raised concerns about corporate administration at Satyam and its credibleness in the eyes of planetary clients and stockholders. Ramalinga Raju, nevertheless, justified the determination, stating it was portion of a â€Å" good variegation scheme † . Representatives of investors such as Templeton and Motilal Oswal complained that Satyam had no concern purchasing existent estate or substructure companies and that their investing in Satyam was because it was engaged in supplying package services ( ) . There is an existent s truggle of involvement under this investing determination and besides supported the claim that â€Å" all money invested in Maytas belongs to Satyam † . Then Raju stated that the aborted Maytas trade was really last effort to make full the fabricated assets with existent 1s. Though the fiscal establishments owned bulk of interest, but historically they used to play a inactive function in the company. This was leting the boosters, Mr. Raju and his relations to play the corruptness game. The boosters were seeking to re-structure the concern and were besides deviating assets between group companies. So, this shows the struggle of involvement between these parties.2.3.2 Insider TradingSatyam boosters and top functionaries may hold charged in insider trading. Research workers are coming across grounds of insider trading by the boosters even before the dirt broke. The probe is besides concentrating on the allegations of insider trading in the period before the failed December 16. T here are adequate arrows to insider trading by the Satyam boosters and the companies floated by them and their relations. The insider trading in Satyam is formed by the top direction of Satyam – the managers and senior functionaries – with selling portions in front with that books have been overstated, taking to an hyperbolic stock monetary value that helped the top direction do money. The top direction offloaded the company ‘s 6.01 lakh portions this fiscal twelvemonth merely before the confessions of Raju. It reminded the possibility that there may be people who must be cognizant of things to come and might hold offloaded their retention merely earlier fiasco ( Agarwal, 2009 ) . Srinivas Vadlamani, the main fiscal officer of Satyam Computer Service, has been the most active in offloading the portions. Srinivas offloaded 92,358 portions in two episodes in September. Ram Mynampati, president of Satyam and a member of the board, besides offloaded 80,000 portions in three installments in May and June. Interestingly, during the past nine months, none of the top direction squad of Satyam has purchased its portions. The heavy merchandising of portions by the Satyam big-wigs in September was ab initio attributed to the developing uncertainness in the economic scenario. However, put in the larger strategy of things, the sale could be a instance of insider trading. The tendency has asserted in December when 28,500 portions of the company were sold by its senior functionaries. The most recent sellout was done by AS Murthy, main information officer, who sold 21,000 portions between December 12 and 15 ( Agarwal, 2009 ) .Mr. Raju inflated the history for increasing the mo netary value of portions so that he and his confederates get maximal net incomes, in which he succeeded besides. The twenty-four hours this intelligence broke, the Satyam ‘s portion was surging. Here, the SEBI and Ministry of Company Affairs excessively have failed in their assigned occupations. SEBI is the highest regulator and keeps eagle oculus on the activities of the capital markets. When the net incomes of this company were registering unnatural growing, thereby the monetary values of the portions were surging, they do non hold any effort, there has been a batch of chromaticity and call with regard to insider trading ; a ululation SEBI failed to listen to and it inflicted to a great extent on Satyam. Although insider trading per se is non illegal but it is unethical, furthermore when Company ‘s high functionary who were on portion selling fling must had the thought of what was traveling in the company. Raju had besides opened multiple benami ( silent person ) accounts through relations and friends and used them to merchandise in Satyam ‘s portions, go againsting the insider trading norm. He used the company ‘s proprietary information to reassign securities to his brother Suryanarayana Raju and to his female parent Appalanarsama Raju. Crime Investigation Department ( CID ) of the Andhra Pradesh constabularies and Central bureaus has confirmed that the boosters indulged in insider trading of the company ‘s portions. ( NDTV Correspondent,2009 )2.4 RationalizationIt may look easy to apologize this at first. Managers ever trust in themselves and in their accomplishments a batch, and believe that their company is basically sound. They believe that they will do it up in the hereafter without anybody detecting it when there is a job and. They do everything to apologize their moves, their determinations in order to look guiltless. When the company faces the spread and unab le to do it up, a larger deformation is needed to cover up, as Raju added in his missive. He bet that neither him nor the pull offing manager has benefitted in the fiscal footings on history of the hyperbolic consequences, even 1 rupee/dollar. Put otherwise, he claims that he did distort histories in order to maintain operating traveling at Satyam and to be able to supply prompt payments of salary. He besides gave an account to Maytas acquisition and rationalized it by claiming that he merely tried to make full the fabricated assets of Satyam with existent 1s. What is more, he said ‘Significant dividend payments, acquisitions and capital outgos to supply for growing did non assist affairs. ‘ He asserted these claims to happen an alibi for his fraud.2.5 Stakeholder AnalysisHarmonizing to new stakeholder theory, direction bears no extra fiducial relationships to 3rd parties but have morally important nonfudiciary duties to 3rd parties. It means direction may ne'er hold promised clients, employees a â€Å" return on investing † but obliged to take earnestly its extra-legal duties non to wound, lie to or rip off these stakeholders ( Goodpaster, 1991 ) . Until the fraud, the secret of Raju ‘s outstanding success is thought to lie in his simple, yet extended direction theoretical account that creates value, promotes entrepreneurship, focuses unrelentingly on the client and purposes at changeless chase of excellence for all stakeholders. The fraud showed that he is far off from this first-class image. He failed to exert his duties which are non to wound, lie or rip off the stakeholders. All stakeholders are lied and cheated with the falsified Numberss and studies for many old ages. In May, Satyam has merely over 40,000 employees, about each of them on the ‘bench ‘ are in danger of losing employment at Satyam. Equally good as, clients of Satyam including Nestle, Nissan, in a large scraping because they do n't desire to work with Satyam any longer but passage is besides hard for them. Furthermore IT industry participants, rivals and providers were lied, cheated and injured by SatyamSection 3 The Ironies in the Scandal & A ; The Awards of the Ceo3.1 SarcasmsThis dirt includes many sarcasms in it, from the name of the company to present the house and the Ceo received: Satyam means â€Å" truth † in Sanskrit, Satyam earned a United Kingdom Trade and Investment India Business Award for Corporate Social Responsibility, Satyam got Global Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance for 2008, In 2007 Ramalinga Raju was chosen as the best enterpriser of the twelvemonth by Ernst & A ; Young, Satyam was selected for the formal IT patron of the World Cup 2010-2014 by FIFA.3.2 Corporate AdministrationGolden Peacock award was given to Satyam for its corporate administration criterions. This is the sarcasm of the state of affairs that a company which was considered the best in IT industry has such low corporate administration criterions. On top it the Board of Directors was non even apprised of even anything. Corporate Administration as defined is â€Å" Corporate administration refers to the legal and factual model of the direction and monitoring of companies. Corporate administration ordinances are geared towards transparence and therefore beef up the trust in direction and control concentrating on value creative activity † . There are few importance elements of corporate administration viz. Auditing, Independent Directors, Regulators and Finally the Board including CEO itself. If we examine these components one by one, it would be crystal clear that all the components either failed or did non move as was required. The function of Price Waterhouse Coopers, the Auditing house of Satyam has been dealt. So, the Satyam fraud is unfolding and so are the built-in failings of Corporate Governance in India. The fraud has brought to illume the fact that in India the differentiation between proprietors and direction is still non really clear. Where the proprietors are besides the directors, such frauds are ever a possibility.Section 4 Conclusion and Suggestions4.1 What should hold been done, where did Raju make incorrectly?Satyam Computer company is a global company. The company has many clients all around the universe and the foreign investors come to India to put in the company. As being a large company, it requires a good corporate administration system and correlativity among parties of company. All of the parties should follow their responsibilities harmonizing to the contract with the company. So that the company will last, spread out its market portion and function their clients in a confidential mode. The Chief executive officer of the Satyam Computers and other people involved in the procedure was blamed for the immoral Acts of the Apostless which was blow uping hard currency and bank balances, accruing involvement that are non-existing, exaggerating debitors ‘ place in the books, graft, insider trading and etc. A company director is responsible to transport the company in the chase of net income and while seeking ways to increase net income the company should obey the legal issues and Torahs. Mr. Raju did non follow these rules that the company lost it ‘s clients, repute and damaged economically both in the place and foreign market. Mr. Raju used his authorization and power in an inappropriate ways. In this study, Satyam dirt and related ethical quandary ar e evaluated in the visible radiations of different ethical rules. The major purpose was to integrate moralss into this existent life to be able to do judgement whether it is in conformity with or in misdemeanor of moral criterions. Moral duty and incrimination analysis showed that Mr. Raju is morally responsible for the incorrect with no extenuating factor even he tried to apologize his incorrect making in his missive. PwC and board of managers stay negligent about the issue by neglecting to take necessary actions, their carelessness may decrease their duty but can non wholly take. At the terminal of cost-benefit analysis, net public-service corporation that produced by the dirt is found to be negative significance more costs over benefits so it is non a right action. Harmonizing to rights and justness. Raju ‘s actions are unfair and contradict to Rawl ‘s rules and besides violate Kant ‘s first and 2nd preparation and rights of others. As a president of the company, Raju failed to populate up the responsibility to prosecute the ends of the house by moving on a â€Å" struggle of involvement † and merchandising company ‘s stock on the footing of â€Å" inside † information. Besides new stakeholder analysis proved that Satyam direction failed to exert their duties toward the stakeholders which are non to wound, lie to or rip off the stakeholders. Raju ‘s actions are immoral and he sacrificed being ethical purposefully for his ego involvement which lead us to set him into the â€Å" Instrumental egoism † phase of Kohlberg ‘s moral development phases.4.2 Introduction of a Company Ethics ProgramAlthough Raju has an MBA Ohio University and is an alumna of Harvard Business School, he made the fraud, it shows the importance of holding common sense, the instruction does non count all the clip. â€Å" Company Ethics Program † should be formulated and each and every person should perpetrate this, Exercise of this plan should be followed and monitored persistently and systematically. Peoples should be trained, retrained until the rules are internalized, It besides showed us the importance of whistle blowing, The harm would be less if person blew the whistling earlier. Audited account houses should be more careful while analyzing the fiscal statements of the companies. In the terminal they besides have a large portion in this game and they are to fault Whistle blowing: Whistleblower is a individual who raises a concern about wrongdoing happening in an organisation or organic structure of people. Normally this individual would be from that same organisation. This misconduct can be classified in many ways such as a misdemeanor of a jurisprudence, regulation, ordinance and/or a direct menace to public involvement, such as fraud, health/safety misdemeanors, and corruptness. Whistle blowers may do their allegations internally ( for illustration, to other people within the accused organisation ) or externally ( to regulators, jurisprudence enforcement bureaus, to the media or to groups concerned with the issues ) .[ 4 ]

Friday, November 8, 2019

Japan is More a Producer of Finished Goods Than a Supplier of Raw Materials †Economics Essay

Japan is More a Producer of Finished Goods Than a Supplier of Raw Materials – Economics Essay Free Online Research Papers Title: Japan is more a producer of finished goods than a supplier of raw materials. Japan has historically been a resource-poor country. It lacks the petroleum, copper or tantalums that have enriched Saudi Arabia, Zambia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. (Though there were significant deposits of silver in Japan, they have since been exhausted.) As a result, the production of raw materials has not been an economic option for the Japanese. Since the Treaty of Kanagawa in 1854, Japan has sought to industrialize to keep up with the Western nations that it feared were coming to dominate East Asia. Industrialization means the building of factories and related externalities in order to produce finished products. Following World War II, Japan sought to bolster its war-torn economy with labor-intensive, value-added products such as steel and cargo ships. As we can see today, Japan has made the leap to high technology goods such as computers, televisions, and cell phones. These are all value-added finished goods that are in great demand around the world because of their high quality and sophisticated design. Research Papers on Japan is More a Producer of Finished Goods Than a Supplier of Raw Materials - Economics EssayDefinition of Export QuotasRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaTwilight of the UAWAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2PETSTEL analysis of IndiaBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How Jane Eyre and Shirley Valentine achieve independence Essay Example

How Jane Eyre and Shirley Valentine achieve independence Essay Example How Jane Eyre and Shirley Valentine achieve independence Paper How Jane Eyre and Shirley Valentine achieve independence Paper Essay Topic: Jane Eyre Literature Jane Eyre begins with Janes childhood and how she treated by the Reed family she lives with. She is bullied by Master John Reed and not treated with any respect or kindness by the older members of the household. Shirley Valentine has in a way a similar life but it starts much later in her lifetime: She is middle aged and married and feels not so much neglected but unappreciated by her husband and children (whom have grown up and left home). Then probably the most important part of each text is when the two characters take on a big change. For Jane it is when she is being bullied by Master Reed and is wrongly punished when she fights back which shows that she is not highly regarded in the household. She is punished by being locked in the red room and instead of just taking the punishment she fights and shouts at her captors. To further prove this was not normal behavior by Jane, Bessie (a housemaid) says she never did so beforecpt8 which miss Abbot replies But it was always in hercpt8. This last statement shows that this anger Jane suddenly let loose had been obvious to the staff in the house and was probably due to the behavior of Master Reed and other members towards her. This kind of behavior by Jane was showing an outside change in Charlottes world as the suffragettes were starting to make a change to society, as a few years before this kind of outburst by young women would never have been seen and definitely not tolerated. So I think this was a way for Charlotte Bronte to show that the world was changing and this was not a classic gothic novel of which we see evidence later in the text. So this was a new style of writing and was to change the way women were written about in books and even thought of in society. Shirley Valentine is looking back on her life when her biggest change in character appears. She looks back on her life when she and her husband Joe had just moved into their house, they were happy and Joe spent a lot of time at home with her and they were having fun. As the text turns back to the future it shows that Joes is working more and their lives have got into a rut and routine. Shirley thinks back again to a girl she met at school who was the opposite to Shirley at school; she tried at school and was well behaved while Shirley felt she just wasted her time at school. Its clear at the end of this section in the text she wishes she was in her school friends position now and thinks she would be living a more exciting and forfilling life. The exact time of Shirleys outbreak is when she brings home a steak for Joes dinner (which must be the same every week) and she feeds it to the dog next door, which Shirley feels is being neglected. When Joe comes home he gets angry with Shirley because she gave away his steak. Under all this Shirleys friend has offered her a trip to Greece which Shirley has not told Joe about. When Joe gets angry that evening she tells him and she shouts back at Joe, he almost convinces her its a stupid idea. Until she meets up with her school friend who is now a prostitute and tells Shirley to go, as does Shirleys neighbor who is very refined and quiet but seems to admire Shirley for leaving. The next day she left and had gone to Greece. Shirley left for Greece to escape from being a mother, as her daughter had just returned home from living away and was already treating Shirley like a slave, she also escaped Joe and the routine she had got into with him. In a way I think she was trying to be young again, which is unlike Jane, as Jane seems to want to grow up quickly. I dont think that Joe is entirely to blame for Shirleys change. It was written in the 1980s and this was a time when people were working harder and for longer hours than ever before. And the roles of couples at home were changing round and more women wanted to travel and see more of life as they had more time and money to do so. Going back to the Jane Eyre text Jane changed again when she met her friend Helen Burns at Lowood (an orphanage Jane is sent to by the Reed family). Which she is moved to, whom is thought to be the figure of Charlotte Brontes own older sister, Maria. Jane also becomes befriended with a young teacher at her school (Miss Evans). Together Helen and Miss Evans teach Jane to be a lot calmer and to change her pent up anger into passion, which would get Jane into less trouble. Miss Evans also shows a kindness Jane has never really had before and Jane sees that it is possible to have a friendship and mutual respect for people, like Jane has with Helen before Helen dies. Later on in Janes life she meets a man she has begun to work (Rochester) for and a relationship forms between them which I feel would not of happened if Jane had not had the guidance from her friends Helen and Miss Evans, as Rochester is very much as Jane was, and he too was in need of changing. This is similar for Shirley. While on holiday she meets a local man named Costas whom she has a relationship and she falls in love with the life she has now found and is not necessarily in love with Costas but just the thought that she is living. The end of this all comes when Shirley has to leave Greece as its the end of her holiday. Shirley decides to stay. Jane however end this part of her life and her relationship when she is to be married to Rochester who I think she has fallen in love with but still has doubts. When she is told that Rochester is already married, and his wife is mentally ill and she lives in the attic of his house. Instead of staying with Rochester Jane leaves and turns down a marriage of convenience to her cousin, St. John. Which is very similar to Shirley as Shirley decides not to go home and when she finds Costas in a bar with another woman and it is clear he is trying to woo her the same way he did to Shirley she is not bothered, she had turned down trying to be with Costas and Shirley phones her husband and asks him over to Greece to see her. I think that this experience has changed Joe, maybe he will appreciate Shirley more and they could have a better marriage. I think Shirley has now earned independence, instead of waiting on Joe and her children Joe now has to go to Shirley or risk loosing her. Shirley also has nobody she would rather be and is content with who she is and what she is doing. When Rochesters wife burns down his house and dies. Jane returns to him, now blind they then are together when she now leads him and she has independence and prowess over him. She had ignored any attempt of seduction from Rochester before his accident and she had refused a convenient marriage. She had also learned to forgive as when she went back to see the dying Mrs. Reed, when previously Jane had sworn never to return to her house and told Mrs. Reed: I will never call you an aunt again o long as I live. I will never come to see you when I am grown upcpt4 The fact that she did come back is the biggest sign of Janes change into an independent woman who is not ruled by her anger or overpowering family, lovers of friends. Jane was now independent. The texts have before seen as feminist text where both women are fighting against men in their lives and escaping control and traditional womens roles in society. For Shirley it was escape from a bored marriage and the home which she is practically a cleaner and cook. For Jane it was showing she was stronger in will than the men in her life and the text was not to be a traditional gothic novel in which, the heroine was usually saved by a man, unlike Jane who saved herself from abusive men (Such as Mr. Brockelhurst of her school who was a crushing force on the participants of the school) and Master Reed. Jane was also seen as romantic, but I dont think is. Jane is more independent than reliant on a partner whom she could easily of left and not married and I feel she might not be entirely happy or in love with Rochester due to the way they came together through tragedy and misfortune. To get across each story was done very differently. In Shirley Valentine, Shirley talks directly to the audience/reader but shown that she is talking to a wall which shows she is lonely and is a good way of reaching the audience and really getting a full show of thought and emotion. In Jane Eyre, Jane her life is observed and doesnt tell you her inner thoughts and views, but does give more room for speculation of how Jane feels about the people she encounters. I think that both characters value their independence most of all as they went so far to find. I also think they have similar views on the world around them and they both appreciate life more and can better now their lives have improved so much. A big difference in the style of these text is that it is a lot easier to relate to Shirley as she uses simple and modern language and its easier to follow her life and not get lost in complicated text. Although Shirley Valentine does go from present too past often and can be confusing to tell which is past or present. Though Janes life is chronological years are skipped forward between one chapter and another and so can again be confusing, especially when the text in Jane Eyre is decadent and almost unrealistic, and a lot of text maybe unnecessary. These differences tell us a lot about each character. Shirley is more down to earth and has a working class attitude and a strong accent which people can relate too. Jane sounds too had a wealthier upbringing and uses old language, which can set many readers out of touch with the character.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Marketing management 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing management 8 - Essay Example 99). Consumers generally spend much more time and efforts in taking buying decision for high-involvement purchase rather than in the low- involvement decisions for routine purchases. The marketing manager who has to take high involvement purchase decision has many responsibilities. The promotion to the target market should be informative as well as extensive. Depending on a good advertisement may give necessary information for making the decision and also to know specific benefits and distinctive advantages of buying it (Lamb and Hair, 2008, p. 148). When taking decision for buying cruise line, the marketing manager is more concerned about the ultimate outcome of weighing up process and thus he has to think about how much weight to give to each one feature of the product. How much it s cost effective, profitable and how much dollars it is worth paying for the future are some of the basic thoughts of the manager. Data collection is an expensive marketing program especially when it comes to international level. The internet based data collection and research methods are useful and cost effective to the household detergent company that plans to conduct a research among women aged 21 from all over the world. Hague (2002) suggested that internet can be used in several ways for the primary data collection for the marketing research. Self-administered questionnaire, mail and survey methods are common methods of internet based data collection (p. 151- 153). Conducting a random sample survey from various countries will be time consuming and expensive task. Any other forms of surveys and interviews will cause the company to spend more on the data collection as it is to be done from various countries and the attitude of public may from country to country. Creating specific software to be posted on the website or conducting online survey in association with premium online survey companies can be much effective way of data collection than other methods. It

Saturday, November 2, 2019

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Annotated Bibliography Example Thus the specificity also of God is an historical specificity. The focus on dynamic event rather than static substance continues in his systematic theology.† Lindbeck George is an American Lutheran theologian and a BA graduate from Yale University. In his pursuit of medieval knowledge, Lindbeck picked an interest in matters related to the church, and thereafter, he became one of the fathers of postliberal theology. He has since then been among the most influential figures in the religion and theology scenes. In this book, Lindbeck focuses on the nature of the doctrine of theology in a postliberal age. By exploring a couple of theories in ecumenism, Mariology, and Christology, the author engages the Readers in a theological conversation. â€Å"The demand for competence is the empirical equivalent of insisting on the spirit as one of the texts of doctrine†. The author, Howard Marshall is a professor Emeritus of the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. Marshall is known for his broad understanding of the New Testament as he was the chair of the fellowship if European evangelical theologians and the president of the British New Testament society. As seen in most of his works, Marshall begins by introducing the New Testament theology, comparing the content of the various books. The author clearly explores Paul’s letters, the gospels and the rest of the epistles. Marshall’s theology represents the messages of the various books in the New Testament, speaking to a broad audience of readers. â€Å"It appears that this gospel attributed to Mathew was assembled by someone who was both a scribe and a sage of sorts. Like the author of the fourth gospel, he wants to present the story of Jesus in a sapiential way, but unlike the fourth evangelist, he wants to do it by means of a very conventionally Jewish way of presenting the materia l.† Mark Smith, the author of this journal is an Associate Professor of Political Science and