Monday, December 30, 2019

Why Vienna Matters Vienna - 1514 Words

Katie Gowen 10-27-2016 GEO101 Galchutt Why Vienna Matters Vienna, located in northeastern Austria, is a beautiful place and should be considered one of the best vacation spots in the world. The beautiful art museums and music history is what draws a lot of people to visit the Austrian capital. Vienna’s physical geography is also what attracts a large population because of its position between the foothills of the Carpathians and the Alps. When it comes to the political geography, the city is unique because of the history that comes along with the Habsburg family and the Holy Roman Empire. Looking at the human geography, Vienna is the most populated place in Austria even though it is the smallest of the nine states that make up the country. There is a high quality of life, which makes it a desirable place to live. Overall, Vienna has a very distinct geography through the history of the Habsburg family, the topography of the entire country of Austria, and the demographics of the people who populate the city. The history of Vienna truly impacts the geography of the city today. While Austria is not one of the most talked about cities in the world, it does hold a unique past that is recognizable through the Habsburg monarchy. Before the Habsburg family shaped Austria, it was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. The Habsburgs are mostly credited with creating the Austria and the Vienna that is known today. In the book The Austrian Achievement, it is mentioned, â€Å"†¦ the recentShow MoreRelatedWolfgang Amadeus Mozart ( 1756-1791 )1433 Words   |  6 PagesMass in C minor, K427 is arguably his most well known sacred work, as it incorporates virtuosity, a large ensemble, and is also an unfinished work. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019


Essays on FINANCIAL NEWS ANALYSIS Essay The article talks about clothing line HM. The retailer has suffered heavily in the current fiscal year owing to several things that went against them. This resulted in declining gross margins by around 2% from the last year. In other work, one reason for having a tough year was the rising manufacturing costs of HM. This was due to the fact that cotton prices throughout the world soared and peaked. This increase in costs result in higher cost of goods sold which lead to declining gross margin for the firm. This could have been avoided if the company had raised its prices, but the company decided against increasing the prices. The company decided to focus on maintaining strong customer relationship and tried to maintain strong market share and hence did not increase its prices which result in them taking a hit on their margins. HM happily took the blow deciding to invest in their future rather than focusing on their short term gains. This policy is quite similar to what other companies are doing these days. The main idea in these days of high uncertainty is to prepare one’s self against losing customer in order to achieve long term gains by associating with the customers and focusing more on the market share rather than on the profitability. Profitability is a short term objective, whereas market share is far sighted thinking. The article also tells us about the fact that almost all the companies in this business are facing tough times due to rising raw material costs. Hence, the current strategy for all the firms should be to survive the storm and try to milk profits when uncertainty is vanished from the environment. Hence, HM is on the right path, a path which would lead them to high profitability in the future. The key strategy in current financial environment is to be patient and do not rush thing and HM have figured out what they are going to do. Although there profits are falling, but market share is increasing which is a positive thing and soon a time will come, when the company will convert its high market share into high profits and that will be the time, when there is certainty in the environment and stability in the cost of doing business. One reason why it is difficult to conduct business in the current environment is because the costs are rising and the companies cannot formulate accurate stra tegies at the moment. But in due course when everything has settled down, HM would take advantage of the situation.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Valentine’s Day Free Essays

With Valentine’s Day approaching, I plan some cheer in the lives of college students. I prepare hundreds of love poems by the famous and the infamous on slips of paper to be tossed in a basket and passed around the classroom. And we share poems in April during National Poetry Month. We will write a custom essay sample on Valentine’s Day or any similar topic only for you Order Now Last December when we read â€Å"A Christmas Memory† by Truman Capote, I noted that not one student in class had ever tasted fruitcake. I made some and brought it in for a taste test (ingredient list on BB to avoid any allergies). My students always know the homework and what is expected, but I like to bring in the unexpected. They know that for me â€Å"education should be fun BUT education is never a joke.† I grew up in dreadful Appalachian poverty, the only one in a large extended family to attend college. My students know the story. If a person works hard, most of life works out and brings rewards. I demand that they work hard. I have been teaching for almost 40 years. I am not shy about calling a student into my office and using the â€Å"metaphorical stick† to say: you are brilliant. Why are you so casual about your studies? I receive emails or letters from students to let me know how life worked out for them. One of the young men whom I had reprimanded in my office for taking his studies too frivolously sent a note that he had just received his PH D and had accepted a position as a Superintendent of Schools in Connecticut. I have served on every committee and volunteer to mentor young faculty. I understand that at my age, they must say: she is still excited to enter the classroom after all these years. What is the secret? I have presented at both national and international conferences. About five years ago I began to question the value of our curriculum in developmental education. That led to much research, a chance meeting with Peter Adams of Community College of Baltimore who became my mentor. I knew that our administration and Trustees would not consider class sizes of eight (Peter’s recommendation and practice) so I devised a triad system. Two classes of ENGL 101 (nine developmental students nestled into the 20 in each section). The two nines join later in the support class of eighteen. We have had phenomenal results in both retention and graduation. When the need arose recently for an Honors program, I stepped up to get that curriculum going. Students stop by my office to chat or to ask that I listen. When a student enters, I place everything aside and am â€Å"in that moment.† I have been voted Faculty of the Year twice by students and was presented with the Lindback Teaching Excellence Award. I look forward to every day with my students and with my colleagues in the community college. How to cite Valentine’s Day, Papers Valentine’s Day Free Essays Valentines† redirects here. For the German/Italian wine grape also known as Valentines, see Valentines (grape). Saint Valentine’s Day Antique Valentine’s card Also calledValentine’s Day Observed byPeople in many countries; Anglican Communion (see calendar), Lutheran Church (see calendar) TypeCultural, Christian, commercial SignificanceFeast day of Saint Valentine; the celebration of Love and affection DateFebruary 14 (in most countries, see text) ObservancesSending greeting cards and gifts, dating Saint Valentine’s Day, often simply Valentine’s Day,[1][2][3] is observed on February 14 each year. We will write a custom essay sample on Valentine’s Day or any similar topic only for you Order Now Today Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, mostly in the West, although it remains a working day in all of them. The original â€Å"St. Valentine† was a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus. Modern romantic connotations were added several centuries later by poets. Several martyrdom stories were invented for the various Valentines that belonged to February 14, and added to later martyrologies. [4] Today, Saint Valentine’s Day is an official feast day in the Anglican Communion,[5] as well as in the Lutheran Church. 6] The day first became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. By the 15th century, it had evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as â€Å"valentines†). [1][3] Moder n Valentine’s Day symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten valentines have given way to mass-produced greeting cards. [7] How to cite Valentine’s Day, Essay examples Valentine’s Day Free Essays Each year in America, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico and Australia billions of people celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day. 85% of Valentine’s day purchases are made by women, 1 billion valentine’s day cards are sent out each year and Valentine’s day is the second largest card sending holiday of the year, the first being Christmas. Today I will share with you the history of Valentine’s Day and the legend of Saint Valentine. We will write a custom essay sample on Valentine’s Day or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are three different stories as to how Valentine’s Day became a holiday, but they all have the same thing in common, which is Saint Valentine. February has always been a month of romance and history. The roots of this holiday are based on the Christian and ancient Roman tradition. The roman-catholic church recognizes at least three different saints, saint valentine and saint valentines are the two most familiar. The first legend says that Saint Valentine was priest who served in the third century in Rome. The emperor at that time was Emperor Claudius, and he believed that the single men made better soldiers in his army, so he banned all marriages for young men at that time. Saint Valentine seeing this as an injustice was still willing to perform marriages in secret for young lovers. When Valentines secret was discovered, the legend says he was sentenced to death. The second legend suggests that Valentine may have been killed for helping Christians escape Roman prisons. Many Christians that were kept in these prisons were kept by a higher being and were tortured to death. The third story tells us that Valentine sent the very first valentine from prison. The legend says that he fell madly in love with the jailer’s daughter where he was in prison and right before he was put to death he wrote her a letter and signed it love your valentine. Now I am going to tell you how and why Valentine’s Day became a tradition and a holiday. By the Middle Ages saint valentine was viewed as a sympathetic, romantic and heroic figure. As a result of this he was considered one of the most popular of all figures in England and France at that time. Valentines death was said to be around two seventy eight A.  D. In effort to Christianise the Pagan holiday celebration of Pieria at the Lempira festival, it is said that the celebration of saint valentine’s burial was moved to the month of February. In ancient Rome February was the official beginning of spring and was considered at that time a time of purification. In France in England during the middle ages February fourteenth was the day that the birds began choosing their mates, also around five hundred A. D Pope Gelasius declared February fourteenth, Valentine’s Day. How to cite Valentine’s Day, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Brett Anderson Essay Example For Students

Brett Anderson Essay English pd. 9Compare/ Contrast11/25/98The Keys to a Great StoryWhat certain qualities are necessary to create an excellent literary work? What makes onework impossible to put down while another work is difficult to stay focused on? There are severalkey elements essential in making good work outstanding. These key elements are: interestingcharacters, an intriguing plot, a valid theme, and a carefully structured conclusion. These are the keyelements of a literary work that I am going to focus on and explicate for you. The characters in Witness for the Prosecution are believable through the authors vividdescriptions and through what Mr. Mayherne says about the characters during his interviews withthem. For example the author described Romaine as a foreign woman with high cheekbones , denseblue-black hair, and a nervous twitch in her hands that is distinctly foreign. The narrator went on tosay she is a strange, quiet woman, who is so quiet that she made visitors feel uneasy. The author isalso very detailed with her description of Mr. Mayherne. The narrator depicts him as a small preciseman, who is neatly dressed and recently had his boots shinned. She also said the most strikingcharacteristic of Mr. Mayherne is his shrewd and piercing gray eyes. From his brief encounter withMrs. Mogson, we found out that she was scared with sulfuric acid by Romaines boyfriend and hasbeen bent on getting revenge on Romaine. Plausible characters and vivid description make this storymore interesting and add to the plot of the story. The author of Wine was very non-discriptive about the characters. This lack of descriptionmakes the characters extremely difficult to relate too. The author never even gives her charactersnames. She just refers to them as a man and a woman. This total lack of detail makes it hard focuson the story and often you find it easy to lose sight of what is happening in the story. The plot for Witness for the Prosecution is clear, logical, and well-defined. The plot mainlyconsists of Mr. Mayherne and Romaine trying to get Mr. Vole aquitted of the charges that he killedEmily French. The most interesting twist of the plot in this story is that Romaine lied to the jury to getMr. Vole aquitted of the charges. By contrast there is no real plot for wine. The man and woman are sitting at a cafe for noapparent reason talking about their first kiss. The man tells the truth to the woman about his first kissand she gets upset with him. I thought this was an interesting point of contrast because in Witnessfor the Prosecution Romaine lied and won the court case for Mr. Vole , but in Wine the man toldthe truth to his wife and was ridiculed by her. The theme of Wine and Witness for the Prosecution almost seem to directly contradicteach other. The theme foe wine is the truth can be painful at times, whereas the theme for Witnessfor the Prosecution is that liars do not always get caught. The theme for Wine was hard tounderstand, because the woman gets upset at the man for no apparent reason when he tells the truth. The theme in Witness for the Prosecution is easily understood because it is clearly spelled out inthe conclusion of the story. The conclusion of Wine is very unclear, poorly developed, and not focused. It leaves a lotof unanswered questions in the readers mind. This completion never tells the reader what happensto the couple or why the woman is mad at her husband. The only thing the reader learns from thisconclusion is that the wine the husband and wife are drinking reminds them of their youth. Thisopaque conclusion only adds to the lack of purpose in the story. .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe , .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .postImageUrl , .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe , .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe:hover , .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe:visited , .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe:active { border:0!important; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe:active , .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u245049ce661829f7296af2a39d6df9fe:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Alfred Stieglitz EssayThe conclusion of Witness for the Prosecution is very focused, well developed and it tiesup all the lose ends of the story. The completion of this story reveals that Romaine is disguised asMrs. Mogson and it was Romaines false testimony that got her husband aquitted of his murdercharges. The conclusion of the story tells the reader everything that Mr. Mayherne knew and drawsan excellent ending to a great mystery. After carefully contrasting the key elements in Wine and Witness for the Prosecution ithas become apparent that Witness for the Prosecution contains the qualities necessary of a greatliterary work. Wine is lacking too many of the key elements essential in making a good literarywork. The differences between the two the two stories makes Wine difficult to stay focused onbecause it is lacking in many of these key areas. While having many of these key elements welldeveloped throughout the story makes Witness for the Prosecution, one of those stories that aretruly a pleasure to read.